Where we started.

Waking Word started as an unincorporated nonprofit in 2020 when we (Justine and Jimmy) began creating videos for the children in the Jericho Congregational Church’s Sunday school and Summer Bible Camp. The first few videos were turned into a series later known as the Craft Stick Bible Stories.

Waking Word became a ministry department of Artists in Christian Testimony Intl. in 2021 and continued producing episodes of the Craft Stick Bible Stories while adding new printable resources to supplement the videos.

Where we are today.

Due to the growing trajectory of the ministry, and specific copyright and administrative needs, we decided to begin the transition of Waking Word from fiscal sponsorship to its own incorporated Vermont non-profit organization.

After 9 months of meeting with experts, and studying nonprofit compliance and legal requirements, we incorporated the ministry in April of 2023.

Waking Word became Waking Word Inc.

Our mission statement.

Waking Word Inc. is a Christ-centered Children’s Ministry promoting faith formation and biblical literacy. We accomplish this by providing biblical resources, media and local artistic workshops for children.

What we do.

Waking Word achieves its mission through video, audio, print and in-person ministry. Each of these categories has its own strengths and together allows us to share the Gospel with families locally, nationally, and globally.

The Craft Stick Bible Stories video series

The Craft Stick Bible Stories was the first video series we created. Eight episodes were produced between May of 2020 and March of 2022. The series makes use of craft stick puppets, cardboard and paper to retell the stories of the Bible. The videos have been well received, especially since the puppets do not have facial features, making them appropriate for use in countries where the faces of prophets are not allowed to be shown.

The Craft Stick Bible stories have been viewed over 100,000 times in more than 50 countries. The series is used by Christian educators to support Sunday school lessons in the U.S. and beyond. The largest audience is in India, which accounts for 17% of our total viewership.

The first six episodes have been translated into Urdu and are broadcast on the Pak7 broadcast channel in Pakistan. Below you can see one of our episodes available in three languages.

Sample Urdu episode

Sample English episode

Sample Cantonese episode

The Mini Morals video series

We began our second video series in 2022, titled, “Mini Morals.” The series is live action, filmed mostly in pantomime, and delivers lessons on biblical morality through imagery and situations children and families can relate with. Many children from our local church, JCC, volunteered to be a part of the production. Filming of the first three episodes (Forgiveness, Patience, and Belief) wrapped in February of this year. The episodes will be released this summer.

Stills from the Mini Morals

The Hear the Word audio series

Hear the Word is a 3-minute episodic audio series featuring children narrating the Bible. Each episode is a narrative adaptation of the Scriptures, utilizing scene-setting sound effects and music to create an immersive and memorable experience. The first series is in production and consists of 46 episodes, which take listeners through the Gospel story of John.

Waking Word is in discussions with the Light Radio to have this series broadcasted locally, starting as soon as this July.

Episode 1 – The Word was God John 1:1-27
Episode 3 – Water to Wine John 2:1-12

Printable resources

Supplemental resources for families and educators to download, print, and use.

Coloring pages

Coloring pages featuring scenes from the Craft Stick Bible Stories and a key verse to fortify story retention.

Sample coloring page
Sample coloring page

Printable puppets

Printable puppets based on the Craft Stick Bible Stories that children can use to retell the stories at home.

Sample printable puppets

Jesus (Resurrected) printable puppet
Apostle Thomas printable puppet
Apostle James printable puppet
Mary Magdalene printable puppet
Mary M.

In-person workshops

We hosted our first in-person workshop in the summer of 2022. Workshops are designed to introduce children to a Bible story and equip them to work together to retell the story through either video, craftwork, or performance.

Now in 2023, Waking Word is in discussions with the O.N.E. Community Center in the Old North End of Burlington, and local churches/community centers, to host in-person workshops for children in the community. The workshops will be a combination of one-day and multi-day workshops that combine art, performance, media and Scripture to create immersive and interactive experiences for children to engage with the stories of the Bible and share them with others.

Waking Word Inc. projected annual cost

Our personal living expenses are 100% covered from jobs we work outside this ministry. The financial needs of Waking Word Inc, outline below, reflect the operational costs of the organization itself (production, rental space, equipment, administration, etc.).

We have spent three years developing this ministry and have financial records and data going back to the beginning. The costs of this ministry totaled $13,013 between 2020-2022.

New administrative costs associated with running the nonprofit, including accounting, additional software for fundraising, and rental space for workshops, has increased our projected financial need for 2023-2024.

Waking Word Inc. requires $11,710 per year to meet its financial obligations. This breaks down to $975 in donations per month.

We incorporated in April and have $400 pledged per month. We are raising funds for the remaining $575.

Annual budget breakdown

Click the image below to view the annual expense breakdown.

Looking ahead

We anticipate an increase in costs in the second quarter of 2025 when we rent a studio space dedicated to workshops and our productions. This dedicated studio space will provide us the flexibility to host workshops with more frequency, and move the audio/video productions from our home to a space dedicated to Waking Word. This cost is estimated to be a $1,400 per month increase. Fundraising towards this next amount will begin in early 2024.