Craft Stick Bible Stories

Craft Stick Bible Stories

Creative, caring and craft-filled Bible stories that are sure to bring a smile to your face and Scripture to your heart.

The Prodigal Son

Jesus tells the story of a young man who leaves home, spends all his money on foolishness, and ends up with nothing. He returns home to find what he least expects, love and forgiveness.

Jesus Raises Lazarus

Who do you want by your side when you go through difficult times? Martha and Mary call for Jesus when their brother Lazarus is sick. Jesus shows he has power over death itself.

The Good Samaritan

Who is our neighbor? A man asks Jesus this exact question and Jesus surprises the man with his answer. Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan and teaches us all what it means to be a neighbor.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Jesus tells a parable about a shepherd with 100 sheep. The shepherd realizes one of the sheep is missing. The shepherd searches for and saves the sheep, just like Jesus saves us.

Jesus Calms the Storm

Jesus and his followers were crossing the sea. A violent storm arrived and the disciples became afraid. Just when everything felt hopeless, Jesus silenced the storm.

The Nativity Story

An angel appears to Mary and tells her she’ll give birth to the Son of God. The Lord leads shepherds and wise men to see the newborn baby, and protects him from an evil king.

The Battle of Jericho

The Israelites were on their way to the land God promised to give them. But they were blocked by the city of Jericho’s giant walls. God kept his promise and got them through.

Doubting Thomas

Jesus appeared to some of his followers after his death. They told Thomas they saw the Lord, but Thomas wouldn’t believe until he saw Jesus alive with his own eyes.

The Ascension of Jesus Christ

Jesus came back to life and His followers were happy to be with him. Then, Jesus said he was leaving, but before he left, he made a very special promise.

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